
A Novice’s Guide to cPanel Hosting

Certain web hosting services do offer a control panel or a dashboard using which you can manage your website. Often times, however, these panels do not have an adequate number of tools or features to properly manage your server. If this is the case then third party software like cPanel can be used as an alternate dashboard. Cheap cPanel hosting services are web host service providers that make cPanel dashboards available to you either for free as a part of their service package or charge reasonable rates for it.

Why is cPanel a Popular Dashboard?

cPanel is one of the most popular control panels used in the United States. This is because it provides an excellent web-based user interface that is easy to use. If you are using cPanel, you can easily manage your web servers and your website without needing specialized technical knowledge of coding or any programming language.

Since, cPanel allows you to operate it using a graphical user interface; the dashboard automatically becomes user friendly. The graphical interface can be operated without any technical knowhow. Many shared hosting services use cPanel by default as it simplifies a lot of tasks. cPanel is the dashboard option that is chosen by most hosting companies that offer their services at affordable rates.

Do all Managed WordPress Hosts use cPanel?

Even though cPanel is quite popular, not every hosting service uses it. In recent times, hosts have been coming up with their own custom dashboards to make website management seamless and to cut costs even further. Managed WordPress hosts are services that create a hosting environment specially optimized for WordPress based websites. These hosts provide specific features, higher performance and support.

For instance, managed WordPress hosts make your website load faster, optimize it for high traffic conditions, check for malware and offer daily data backups and updates. Managed WordPress hosts typically cost more than the other hosts and thus, they have begun developing their own dashboards to compete with the low costs of regular hosting companies.


While managed WordPress hosts may not offer cPanel dashboards, other kinds of web hosts do. If you are a beginner who is just starting out, you do not require a managed WordPress host. Thus, a regular host with a cPanel addition is the best and the most pocket-friendly option for you.

Debra Gonzalez
the authorDebra Gonzalez