
What Should You Expect From Your First Orthodontist Visit?

A consultation with an orthodontist is essential to achieving a gorgeous, healthy smile. During this appointment, you will see an orthodontic specialist who will examine your teeth, review possible treatments, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to you. An orthodontist handles issues related to our jaws and teeth.

Every orthodontist is a dentist, but not every dentist is an orthodontist as, to be an orthodontist, you need additional education and training. This blog post will walk you through the steps involved in a typical orthodontist consultation, from making an appointment to understanding the recommended course of treatment. Visit an orthodontist in Fullerton, CA, to make an appointment.

What can you expect at an orthodontist visit?

  • Scheduling the consultation appointment.

Making an appointment for a consultation is the first step towards starting orthodontic treatment. Many orthodontists provide free consultations, so you can talk to them about your concerns and receive a free initial assessment. You can ask any inquiries regarding the consultation procedure, available treatments, the cost of braces, or insurance coverage during this first consultation.

  • The consultation appointment.

You will meet the orthodontic team, which consists of the treatment coordinator and orthodontist, at the consultation. The orthodontic team will review your medical and dental history, and you might be inquired about any specific problems that you have with your jaws or teeth. The orthodontist will then collect an entire picture of your oral health by taking X-rays, images, and dental imprints.

  • Evaluating orthodontic problems and treatment options.

During the consultation, the orthodontist will assess your bite, teeth alignment, and jaw. The doctor will identify any common orthodontic issues like misalignment, overcrowding, or bite problems like overbites and underbites. The orthodontist will examine your teeth and discuss appropriate treatment options, including aligners, clear braces, ceramic braces, traditional metal braces, or other orthodontic appliances.

  • Develop a customized treatment plan.

An orthodontic treatment plan customized to your needs will be created by the orthodontist based on the evaluation and your preferences for treatment. This plan will outline the best course of action to take to treat your specific dental issues and use braces or Invisalign to achieve straight teeth and a healthy smile. The length of the treatment, how often appointments are required, and any extra steps that may be necessary—like tooth extractions or early intervention for kids who may need an orthodontic retainer—can all be found in the treatment plan.

  • Understand the treatment process and orthodontic care.

The orthodontist will carefully review the treatment plan with you during the consultation so that you know what to anticipate at every turn in your orthodontic journey.