
Top 11 Cool Uses of NFC Tags

Data, video, and photo sharing are so easy nowadays. Thanks to NFC or Near Field Communication, currently used worldwide, it works like Bluetooth but needs no pairing process. Because of the fast-paced world that we live in, some of our everyday mundane tasks, like contactless payments, are made more accessible. Businesses and ordinary people benefit from this.If you are curious about other ways that NFC Tagify and stickers can be used, here are some things that made it to the list.

Company-Related Uses

NFC Business Cards

A business card that can be programmed to have your contact details, website address, and social media account is now possible. Digital business cards that use NFC technology can make anyone stand out in any business event or conference. Streamlined introductions have never been this easy!

As an Identification Card

NFC cards can also be issued as IDs to company employees. An identification card can be used as a special pass in entering and exiting business establishments or offices—incredibly highly restricted rooms.

Access Grant and Restriction to Devices and Facilities

Of course, all NFC-tagged IDs are not the same regarding uses and privileges. They can be assigned different purposes. They can function as different solutions to office space authentication. All office personnel may have been issued a tag that grants access to general purpose while others for only specific access.

As Loyalty Cards

They are offering discounts to loyal customers through NFC technology benefit many businesses. It can help them track customer preferences and offer them other things related to their importance to encourage customer retention.

Connect/ Disconnect in Secure Wi-Fi spots

NFC tags can also be used to access amenities like a Wi-Fi hotspot. Programming NFC tags in different categories for internet connection use is possible. Employees may be able to be connected to one Wi-Fi connection, while VIPs and business partners may be connected to another. 

Check out this infographic by NFC Tagify to learn more about its other cool uses.

Top 11 Cool Uses of NFC Tags