Weight Loss

3 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda After Bariatric Surgery

3 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda After Bariatric Surgery

If you have had bariatric surgery, then you know that there are certain things you need to avoid in order to maintain your weight loss and keep your health on track. One of the biggest no-no’s is drinking soda. In this article, we will discuss three reasons why you should avoid soda after bariatric surgery. So, keep reading to know more.

1. Soda is High in Sugar

One of the reasons you were advised to avoid soda before surgery was because of its high sugar content. Consuming sugary drinks can lead to weight gain and can also cause issues like diabetes and heart disease. After bariatric surgery, you need to be even more careful about your sugar intake. The best alternative you can choose over soda is sparkling water. This is a healthy and refreshing beverage that doesn’t contain any sugar content.

2. Soda Can Cause Gastrointestinal Issues

Soda is also quite acidic, and this can cause problems for people who have had bariatric surgery. The surgery involves making changes to the stomach and intestines, and this can make them more sensitive to acid. As a result, if you drink soda, you might experience heartburn, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal issues. To help with these issues, it’s best to visit a professional for post-op bariatric diet advice. They can help you create a plan that includes safe and healthy foods and beverages.

3. Soda is High in Calories

Finally, soda is also very high in calories. This is something you need to be careful of after bariatric surgery because you will need to stick to a strict diet. Consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain, and this can reverse the effects of the surgery. If you’re looking for a refreshing drink, try decaffeinated tea or coffee. These drinks are low in calories and won’t sabotage your diet. Just be sure to avoid sugar or artificial sweeteners, as these can still add calories.

To Sum It Up

Overall, it’s best to avoid drinking soda after bariatric surgery. Not only is it high in sugar and calories, but it can also contribute to weight gain and other health problems. If you are struggling with soda cravings, talk to your doctor for bariatric surgery in Mexico about ways to overcome them. There are many healthy and delicious alternatives to soda that can help you reach your weight loss goals