
Your Ultimate Source for A Course In Miracles: Resources and Links Guide

Embarking on the study of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) can be a transformative experience, offering profound insights into spirituality, forgiveness, and inner peace. To assist you on this journey, we’ve compiled an essential guide to the best A Course In Miracles resources and links. This guide is tailored to support both beginners and advanced learners, providing access to a wide range of materials and communities that can deepen your understanding and practice of ACIM’s teachings.

The Foundation of ‘A Course In Miracles’

Before diving into the resources, it’s important to understand the foundation of ACIM. The Course is a unique spiritual resource, offering a self-study curriculum designed to bring about a shift in perception from fear to love. It consists of a Text, a Workbook for Students, and a Manual for Teachers, each part complementing the others to offer a comprehensive approach to spiritual transformation.

Essential Readings and Texts

The core texts of ACIM, including the Text, Workbook, and Manual, are your primary resources. These texts provide the foundational teachings and practical exercises for daily application. Various editions and translations are available, ensuring accessibility for a global audience.

Online Platforms and Courses

Numerous online platforms offer courses and workshops based on ACIM’s teachings. Websites like Living Miracles host a wealth of materials, including video teachings, online retreats, and webinars. These platforms often feature teachings from renowned ACIM teachers, offering diverse perspectives on the Course’s principles.

Study Groups and Communities

Joining an ACIM study group can be incredibly beneficial. These groups provide a supportive environment for discussion, sharing experiences, and mutual learning. Websites like Meetup.com often list local ACIM study groups, while online forums and social media groups offer virtual alternatives for community engagement.

Audio and Video Resources

For those who prefer auditory or visual learning, there are numerous audio books, podcasts, and video teachings available. These resources make the teachings of ACIM accessible on-the-go and provide an engaging way to absorb the Course’s principles.

Interactive Apps and Digital Tools

Leveraging technology, various apps offer daily lessons from ACIM’s Workbook, reminders, and interactive features to enhance your study. These digital tools are especially useful for incorporating ACIM teachings into your daily routine.

Books and Commentary by ACIM Teachers

In addition to the original texts, there are numerous books and commentaries written by experienced ACIM teachers. These resources offer deeper insights into specific Course principles and can be particularly helpful in clarifying complex concepts.

Workshops, Retreats, and Conferences

Participating in workshops, retreats, and conferences is another excellent way to delve deeper into ACIM. These events often feature lectures, group discussions, and meditation sessions, offering immersive experiences for spiritual growth.

In exploring these A Course In Miracles resources and links, you open yourself to a community of individuals dedicated to spiritual growth and inner transformation. The Course teaches that we are not solitary beings but part of a great web of spiritual connection, and these resources help to foster that sense of connection.


As you navigate through the myriad of resources available for A Course In Miracles, remember that each person’s journey with the Course is unique. Whether you’re drawn to the written word, interactive digital tools, or communal learning experiences, there is a wealth of resources available to support your path. The key is to approach this journey with an open heart and mind, allowing the profound teachings of ACIM to guide you towards greater peace, understanding, and enlightenment.