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Top 3 Tips for Preparing for Incisional Hernia Surgery Recovery

If you are scheduled to have surgery to repair an incisional hernia, then you will want to prepare for the recovery process. This type of surgery is a common procedure, but it can still be challenging for some patients. This article will discuss the top three tips for preparing for incisional hernia surgery recovery.

1. Follow Your Doctor’s Pre-Operative Instructions

Before your surgery, it is important to follow all of your doctor’s pre-operative instructions. This may include avoiding certain medications, completing necessary lab work, or taking pre-operative antibiotics. In addition, you should stay well-hydrated and stop drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours before your surgery.

You should not smoke prior to your surgery, as this can slow down the healing process. And finally, you should make sure to get plenty of rest in the days leading up to your surgery. This will help ensure that your body is in the best condition possible to handle the surgery.

2. Stock Up on Supplies

Before undergoing incisional hernia surgery, it is important to stock up on supplies that can help you during recovery. This may include a comfortable pillow and blanket, an extra pair of soft pajamas, medication for pain relief, over-the-counter supplements like fish oil or magnesium, as well as any special items prescribed by your doctor.

Ensure that all of these items are available at home before your surgery so that you can rest and recover without having to worry about fetching supplies. You may even check out what foods to eat after hernia repair, as proper nutrition can aid in your healing, and you will be able to prepare yourself accordingly.

3. Buy Compression Garments

Compression garments can help to reduce swelling and discomfort following your surgery. However, it is important to buy the right size of compression garment, as tight-fitting or ill-fitting garments could exacerbate pain or lead to further complications. Consulting with your doctor on which type and size of compression garment will suit you best is recommended before making any purchases. This will help you to ensure that your garment is providing the support and comfort you need during recovery.

The Bottom Line

By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that you are fully prepared for incisional hernia surgery and the subsequent recovery period. Remember to make sure to consult with a doctor for hernia repair in Baltimore if you are looking to have incisional hernia surgery. With the right preparation and care, you can ensure that you have a smooth recovery experience.