
What Things You Need To Know About Blocked Drains?

There are a few reasons that drains can become blocked. Some common causes are:

  • A buildup of hair, soap scum, and grease: Soap and hair can block water flow in the drain lining because they can form a barrier that water has difficulty getting through.
  • Foreign objects: Foreign objects can block water flow in drains by blocking the path the water needs to travel to get to the sewer.
  • Tree roots growing into the pipe: Tree roots can block water flow in drains by expanding into the drain pipe and clogging it.
  • Collapsed or broken pipes and blocked drains Maidstone.

How To Identify Blocked Drains?

If a drain is blocked, water cannot flow freely through it. There are a few ways to identify a blocked drains Maidstone:

  1. Water backs up in the sink, tub, or shower when the toilet is flushed
  2. Gurgling sounds coming from the drain
  3. Slow-draining sink, tub, or shower

There are a few ways to unblock a drain, depending on the severity of the blockage. For a minor jam, you can try using a plunger to push the blockage through. If the blockage is more severe, you may need to use a drain snake to break up the blockage.

Five Ways To Unblock Drains

  1. Use a plunger: A plunger unblock a drain by using the pressure of the air in the plunger to push the water down the drain.
  2. Use a drain snake: A drain snake is a long, flexible rod that is inserted into a drain lining to remove clogs. The snake is inserted into the blocked drains Maidstone and pushed through the clog until they are broken up.
  3. Use a chemical drain cleaner: A chemical drain cleaner unblocks a drain by dissolving the blockage.
  4. Use boiling water: Boiling water can unblock a drain by melting away any grease or soap that may be clogging it.
  5. Use a vinegar and baking soda mixture: Vinegar can unblock a drain by breaking down the buildup of grease, hair, and soap scum. The vinegar and baking soda react to create carbon dioxide gas. This gas is trapped in the baking soda, forcing it to fizz up and out of the drain lining. The fizzing action helps to break up the clog, and the gas bubbles push the clog out of the drain.

What Are The Five Precautions For Keeping Drains Clean?

Prevent clogs before they happen by using a drain cover, and never pour grease or oil down the drain. Clean your gutters regularly with a plunger, snake, or natural cleaner.

  1. Use a drain cover.
  2. Use a drain snake or plunger to clear blockages.
  3. Use a natural drain cleaner.
  4. Avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain.
  5. Schedule regular drain lining cleaning.

FAQs About Blocked Drains

How long does it take to clean and unblock drains?

It depends on the severity of the blockage. A simple jam may only take a few minutes to clear, while a more severe blockage may take a few hours.