
Types Of Sadaqah

While giving alms (also known as Zakat) is the third pillar of Islam, and therefore an integral part of the faith, there is also another form of charitable giving, which is known as Sadaqah.

Best described as voluntary charity, Sadaqah is a form of giving that is done out of someone’s own good will, without any desire for recompense, whether spiritual or otherwise.

While there are many ways to make a voluntary donation, when it comes to classifying Sadaqah in religious terms, there are two main types: Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariya.


Sadaqah is a one-off act of charity that provides assistance for people, or animals, or the wider world.

There are various acts which can be considered as Sadaqah, such as helping out at a soup kitchen, assisting an elderly neighbour with their groceries, giving a hungry animal some food and water, comforting a stranger who is upset, and helping someone who has lost their way.

Sadaqah Jariya

If you are wondering ‘what is Sadaqah Jariya?’, this form of charitable giving is one that continues to have positive reverberations for months or even years to come – perhaps even after the giver has departed from this life.

Keen to give Sadaqah Jariya but not sure where to start? There are plenty of ways to make a long-lasting donation that will bring benefits for many years to come.

For example, you could choose a worthy cause and donate online, giving a small sum of money each month to benefit that cause. Whether you decide to give money to a health charity, an animal sanctuary, or an orphanage, your ongoing donation will help to make a difference, perhaps by providing food and other essentials, or funding vital research into treatments and early diagnosis of life-threatening ailments.

Alternatively, you may decide to focus on the environment, perhaps by picking up rubbish, going to beach cleans, or by planting trees, which help to clean the air of toxins and share important nutrients with surrounding plants.

The Benefits Of Sadaqah

While the whole point of Sadaqah in its various forms is to give with no expectation of a reward, this does not mean that you will not receive a positive outcome from your selfless giving.

For example, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained that “Sadaqah extinguishes sin, just as water extinguishes fire”, indicating that the more you give, of your own free will, the more your sins will be reduced. However, you should remember that lessening your sins should not be motivating factor behind your charitable giving, or it will not be Sadaqah, merely a general donation.

Another advantage of Sadaqah is the way it brings people together, thereby creating a feeling of community and camaraderie. Particularly during difficult times, this can help to reassure people that they are not alone, which is very important for maintaining mental health and equilibrium, particularly among the more vulnerable members of society.

Last but certainly not least, the giving of Sadaqah or Sadaqah Jariya can make you feel more deeply connected to your faith. This, in turn, can bring great comfort and conviction and is surely an advantage that will add additional joy to your life.

Debra Gonzalez
the authorDebra Gonzalez