
Top 5 Reasons for Businesses to Hire a Private Investigator

If you have a company of your own and are looking for someone to conduct some discreet investigations, then a Perceptage private investigator is for you. Private investigators are often hired by companies that are considering taking a partner on board. They also help companies screen potential employees and third parties. 

Some of the reasons why companies hire private investigators include:

  • 24/7 mobile surveillance & infiltration

Businesses are always struggling to keep an eye on their assets and customers. In a bid to do so, they usually hire private investigators to track down their targets. This is also because, in some instances, employees can be fired for bad behavior or for stealing from their employer. A private investigator can be hired to report on your business and insulate it from any potential risk.

  • Corporate fraud & theft investigations

A private investigator can be hired to help your company investigate any fraud suspicions, internal or external theft, and other corporate fraud activities. It is recommended to hire a private investigator from a reputable agency that has the necessary skills and experience in handling matters of this nature. Businesses can work with them to make the necessary investigations and offer solutions that will help protect their businesses and assets.

  • NDA & non-compete contract violation inquiries

The job scope of a private investigator is not only limited to conducting surveillance on external targets. Due to the nature of the business, they are also hired by companies to conduct internal investigations. What most companies hire them for is ‘NDA & Non-compete Contract Violation Inquiries’. This can be any contract signed by partners, investors, and employees that prevents them from sharing any company information with third parties. 

  • Registries searches (open & closed databases)

A private investigator is employed by companies that are looking for information in open registry databases and closed registry databases. Getting this information is important to them so they can properly maintain their business. 

  • Open-source & cyber intelligence

Companies looking to hire private investigators also do so because they want the services of an experienced professional who can get information that is publicly available via open and closed databases. Apart from this, they also want a company that can help them gather intelligence related to their business operations through cyber research. Businesses use this information to be more competitive in their industry while keeping an eye on what their competitors are doing.