
Tips to Resolve Conflicts During a Divorce.

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People who have been through a divorce can tell you, the process can be extremely taxing. Especially without the mediation of an attorney. While not every divorce leads to a conflict, one must be prepared for almost everything when it comes to a divorce. But, in some cases, divorce may lead to chaotic situations and even a trial. 

Therefore, an attorney who specializes in conflict resolution is always recommended. Most people look at divorce as a problem than a solution, and that is where the problem usually lies. You must know how to resolve conflicts in order to handle the situation in a healthy way. 

Following are a few tips for you as well as your spouse to resolve conflicts during a divorce.

1.  Communicate in safe spaces

A place where you communicate could matter a lot. Instead of communicating with your spouse in places like their or your house, or either of your parents’ house, choose a calm and private place where you can actually communicate. If you’re living separately, phone or video conferencing is always an option. The key is to communicate in an effective manner and private spaces tend to offer that.

2. Pick your arguments in a conflict

This doesn’t mean you start a battle. While disagreements and fights are part of any relationship, they shouldn’t reoccur. You have to understand which issues aren’t worth arguing about and which ones are unreasonable. There are times when one starts arguing about something only to realize 20 minutes later that it’s not worth arguing over. This also doesn’t mean that you bottle up your thoughts. This is why the presence of a mediator is necessary during a divorce. Litvack Dessureault family law attorneys offer effective mediation in matters like these.

3. Find a common ground while knowing when to take a time-out

Conflicts are a result of disagreements. So, while going through a divorce, try communicating with your spouse or ex-spouse on certain common grounds, if there are any. It could be your children or career or your hobbies or a TV series. For instance, if you’re fighting over your children, try to talk about the common ground here, which is that you both love them. So, deciding what’s best for them should be the common ground for communication. 

While not everyone you know might be able to help, having an attorney on your side can help you both get through this draining process with ease.