
How To Build An Online Business Using Famous Marketing Strategies?

Most business owners or stakeholders know of the importance of 4Ps in marketing. This topic may seem unusual or boring to some, although it holds great significance to marketing. The idealogy of 4Ps will help your business grow without investing in marketing. Specific strategies will help you marketize your product without the need to spend money on marketing. Some may consider this concept meant only for larger companies, which isn’t true. Marketing for online business or small businesses can use this technique to grow their business. 

4PS Of Marketing

The 4PS of marketing uses an integrated approach to target a specific audience which is perfect for the product sale. The 4PS involves; product, price, place, and promotion. These marketing strategies will help you reach your audience and promote the sale of your product. The concept was first introduced in the 1960s and has been a standard approach for marketing strategies since then. The mix of these Ps is what will make your business grow. 


Product signifies the thing that clients or buyers need. It can be physical or services, something that a mass population needs. Being in a business does not indicate that you can seek whatever you like, but what customers need and sell. A company must know how to manage inventory and make products that are in high demand by customers. The important ideology is to see the difference between demand and supply and to target accordingly. 


Pricing strategies can be tricky for businesses and companies if the prices are too high, pushing the customers away from the company. And if the prices are too less can make a product seem cheap. So, before deciding on the price of a product, the company must study the standard base rate and then determine the cost of their product. 


The place is about putting your product in the correct position. Place where the product is needed, not push at the specific community. It can include newspapers or retail stores. It establishes a service or product in an area where it’s needed; then, only the business will grow. 


For many businesses, the promotion takes up half of the product price. A company should manage its cost so that promotion cost gets included in the product price. Companies must integrate their approach in such a way that provides for all the 4PS. 

Debra Gonzalez
the authorDebra Gonzalez