
Do’s And Don’ts Of Getting Rid Of Your Old Car?

Getting Rid Of Your Old Car

If you own a car, you’d probably know that someday you have to either sell or scrap it. Although that day might be too far, understanding the consequences and possible scenarios will undoubtedly help you make an informed decision.

However, getting rid of your old car is usually not an easy task as you’ll have to take note of several things that can possibly derail your progress. Furthermore, legal car scrapping rules can also land you into trouble if you fail to follow them.

So what are the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of getting rid of your old car? If you are planning to sell or scrap your old car but have confusion regarding certain aspects, this article will undoubtedly help your cause.

Things To Do While Getting Rid Of Your Old Car

Keep essential information intact

Most Authorised Treatment Facilities or ATFs ask you to submit photo and address proof before scrapping your vehicle. So determining that the firm is reputable will help you keep your personal information safe and secure.

Check tax rebates

One of the first things that you should consider is checking whether you have any tax rebates to claim before scrapping your vehicle. These rebates can fuel your next vehicle purchase or provide you with extra cash.

Check your vehicle logbook

Whether you’re selling or scrapping your old vehicle, the logbook will contain vital information that can help you get a better price. Furthermore, most log books often contain a form or slip (V5C/3), which will help you proceed further.

Check your registration number

Since your old car contains a vehicle registration number registered under your name, it would be wise to extract it before scrapping your old car. You can use it with a different vehicle after taking permission from the authorities.

Things Not to Do While Getting Rid Of Your Old Car

Don’t receive cash

Although receiving immediate cash can be lucrative, sometimes specific laws can make it illegal. For instance, England runs a metal dealers act that prohibits anyone from paying cash for scrapped cars. So, make sure to check and abide by the local rules.

Don’t consider unauthorised scrapping firms

Getting your car scrapped at unauthorised firms can prohibit you from various benefits. So, finding an ATF or Authorised Treatment Facility is the best thing to do.

Don’t forget your COD

Authorised Treatment Facilities often provide a certificate of destruction after scrapping your old car. However, if they fail, contact them to get your COD.

Don’t forget to inform authorities

If you have kept some of the parts from your old vehicle, failure to inform concerned authorities can land you in legal trouble. Furthermore, you will have to inform the concerned authority if you wish to use the registration number from your old car in a new vehicle.