
6 Important Questions to Ask Your CPA Every Year

Running a small business includes a lot of hefty tasks. From planning to making growth strategies, a business owner wears multiple hats at a time. If you are a self-taught business owner, you must leave business accounting to professionals only. Thus, you must hire a CPA in Saugus, MA, who can boost your business growth. Before finalizing a CPA, there are certain questions that you must ask them. Here is the complete list of questions to ask from a CPA. So, here we go! 

Questions to Ask from a CPA

1. How can I assist you in performing better for me?

Work together with your accountant to simplify money handling. You may deliver reliable financial data, such as cash flow figures and business transactions if you know their needs. This guarantees they provide the greatest guidance for your particular business requirements.

2. What documentation do I need to organize?

Maintaining all documents may help you avoid problems. For proper bookkeeping and tax preparation, your accountant can organize vital records. These include:

  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns
  • Invoices 
  • Receipts 

To make recordkeeping as simple as possible, they might suggest accounting software.

3. How do I best prepare for tax season?

There’s more to getting ready for tax season than just year-end tasks. Talk about the finest year-round tax preparation options with your accountant. This could entail monitoring deductible expenses and being aware of the potential effects of new tax rules on your company.

4. Are there any tax laws unique to my industry that I should be aware of?

The tax laws that apply to you will vary depending on your business type. A competent accountant can assist you in navigating particular legislation and tax benefits to ensure compliance with your business’s tax requirements.

5. How should I control my cash flow?

Managing your cash flow is essential for your company. Discuss ways to monitor your cash flow, comprehend your earnings and outlays, and forecast your future cash flow requirements.

6. Could you direct me to more people who could support my company?

A seasoned accountant or accounting firm frequently has a professional network that can help your company. They can recommend reputable lenders, financial advisors, or attorneys to you.

Wrapping up 

Hiring a CPA for your business involves a lot of brainstorming. However, by asking these top questions, you can hire the best CPA. If you have any other questions or queries, you must ask the of a CPA.